What is Food Photography?

Well, simply speaking, it is photographs of food. But is that it? Well, no. Like any other genre of photography, food photography is an art and it can be used to breathe new life or give a whole new dimension to the food we eat. It can also be used commercially for advertising, marketing and more. Professional food photography is not just something for Instagram, it is a serious commercial venture. Restaurants make use of these photograph for their menus and advertisements. On top of that, It can also being used for food packaging etc. It can, in fact, be a very lucrative profession.

How are we different? Many times, clients thought the photographer was coming with a camera bag or with a lightbox to do the shoot. But isn’t, we actually come together with 1 luggage of lighting equipment, 1-2 luggage of props, few boxes of accessories, and some background materials.
For shooting, we are using Tethered Live View thru 15″ Laptop. It’s for photographer can see more details of the shoot, then can adjust accordingly immediately! Also, clients can see the result immediately without worry!

Amazing Product and Food Photo stands out on e-commerce especially with the trend nowadays. Amazing content to attracts more attention than traditional ways. Whether you are looking for a food stylist, photographer or videographer, we’ve got you covered.